Ilminster Neighbourhood Plan

Sustainable Futures


The Neighbourhood Plan Boundary covers the entirety of the town and seeks to support the growing tourism and community assets through sustainable growth.Neighbourhood plans allow locals to have their say on direction of growth for topics such as: Economy, Heritage, Green Spaces, Accessibility & Housing. In particular, Ilminster wishes to focus upon tourism, sustainable means of movement, housing detail and strengthening community assets.Ilminster is a centuries old town in parts, pre-dating the 17th century. It lies within a shallow valley just west of Yeovil in Somerset. The green ridges and dense treescape are dominant features of the town, with much of the urban development lining long vistas across the town.In the Spring of 2019, ECA and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group ran a series of community walkabouts and workshops as character assessments of the town with residents and school children, documenting key views, assets, amenities and thoughts on the present and future of Ilminster. These initial findings are in the process of being collated, with more community events and assessments of the findings to follow in Autumn 2019.