Architecture, Planning and community




Gittisham, Honiton, Devon


Architecture, Planning and community




Gittisham, Honiton, Devon



The scheme involves 6 affordable housing schemes and 3 market houses on a rural exception site. 

The Gittisham community have a continued active engagement in both the establishment of the GLT and the identification of a preferred sight. The homes respond to the assessed need of 6 units of affordable units for the parish. The site was carefully selected from a number of criteria and is currently occupied by agricultural buildings and a workshop which are surplus to current estate needs.

The site is considered a rural exception site and ECA have worked to submit an application to a number of criteria following this.


  • Artist's impression
  • Isometric view: the dwellings have been carefully positioned to create the village typical character. Mixed materials provide variety and visual interest. A community garden is also included
  • Community consultation
  • Scale model
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