

Poole Quays Neighbourhood Plan






Poole Quays Neighbourhood Plan




Poole Quays Neighbourhood Plan

This neighbourhood plan covers Hamworthy and Poole Old Town including a conservation area, harbour-side regeneration area and an historic quay. The area has complex issues relating to poor quality public realm dominated by the needs of the car. The town centre is in need of renewal. Our neighbourhood plan contains 11 planning policies which address a diverse range of issues including highway improvements, town centre renewal and the allocation of some prominent sites. It includes masterplan proposals for Poole Quay and Hamworthy Centre. 

ECA were the Facilitator for this plan, and also drafted planning policies and supporting technical material i.e. Basic Conditions Statement and Consultation Statement. We prepared the draft plan, exhibition material, leaflets and press-releases in attractive, accessible documents. Working closely with the project steering group, we completed character area appraisals and delivered training. We provided on-going planning consultancy for this technically challenging plan. We prepared funding applications and managed the consultation programme, which included presentations, workshops and fun-days. 

The Plan can be downloaded here

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