

St Mary's






St Mary's




St Mary's

We researched the character of the architecture in the area, with buildings from 1860 including redundant buildings degrading the appearance of the area on top of recent developments with more modern appearances. 

We justified the development in accordance with the Southampton core strategy, demonstrating how the development would help maintain vitality of local centres, was of acceptable density, and contained an acceptable mix of affordable and non-affordable. Principle, we worked with the architects to ensure the design was in accordance with the City centre Action plan and City Characterisation Appraisal. An analysis of the context of the immediate and wider area in terms of character and appearance has been carried out, along with a thorough assessment of the relevant national and local planning policies, in particular the very recent Southampton City Centre Action Plan.
One challenge was suitable access. We demonstrated how a car free development was appropriate due to its central location and convenient links to public transport and cycle routes.  

Pre-application advice indicates that planning officers support the principle of a high-density development on the site that will contribute towards the City’s housing stock, including affordable housing.

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